

The women’s ministry gives maximum and individual attention to women from all spheres of life and aim at enhancing the image and glory of womanhood.


It is the Apostle Paul Amam's vision to raise men who would grow into a holy and righteous army of God, building their own homes into a strong family in order to mentor upcoming generation of men. He believes that the holy and righteous man becomes an all round wholesome entity who would go on to reproduce himself, as others can readily see the beauty of God’s hand in him. The holy and righteous man is a dangerous weapon in the hand of the Almighty God for strengthening God’s kingdom.

He is known to preach and hold fast the strong beliefs that a holy and righteous man or woman would become the best that can be as a human. The good examples displayed by the present crop of men for all to see, the next generation can be empowered to aspire to greater heights. With great emphasis on mentoring the youth, we believe they can become what “The creator” intended them to be.

The purpose of a men’s fellowship is to create an avenue to reach out to men in and outside Crowning Glory Ministries Church, equipping them with the right tools to live a victorious life in their calling and in turn go on to mentor others.

The Men's Ministry aims to help lift the hand of the Man of God in every way possible. Physically and Spiritually, etc. The Men's Ministry has firm dedication to financially assist the welfare department of the church in helping the needy of the church, visitors and the needy in general. Helping to provide accommodation (hostel) for the homeless and destitute.

Some of the benefits of belonging to the Men's Ministry includes:

Learning to grow into the wholesome man God made us to be in a process called “learning to become”.

B.E.C.O.M.E acronym stands for Brothers evolving, creating outstanding men’s excellence.

A strong support system is in place to assist members in need, i.e. employment, business, health among others. Men learn to be their brothers keeper. Men learn to reach out to other men and in so doing families are empowered.

Welcome to the our Men’s ministry.

For more enquiries, please send us an email at

Music Ministry: [CROWNING PRAISE]

The music ministry is responsible for the provision of music and leading the church into the presence of God through praise and worship during our services in an atmosphere of gratitude and thanksgiving where the Spirit of God can move and work in the lives of the people. In Crowning Glory Ministries Church  we seek to nurture gifts and talents in the field of the creative Arts so God can use them for ministry.


•To deepen our commitment to worship God, which is the foremost of the purposes of christian gathering.

•To love one another as a christ – centered family and work as a team to make God known to others.

•To help many to discover and develop their gifts, find their roles and get equipped to become competent leaders.

•To win the world for Jesus throuth our influence, world mission and planting of international churches.

•To teach the word of God with simplicity and understanding so that it may be applied to our lives in a practical and effective manner.